Important! Please Read
In view of the Hon’ble Supreme Court Order in Suo Motu Writ Petition (Civil) No. (3) 3/2020 and Public Notice dated 18th January, 2022 of the Office of the CGPDTM, the period from 15-03-2020 till 28-02-2022 stands excluded for the purpose of limitation. However, in case the user faces any issues with respect to the above while using the e-filing system for the filing of the documents, they are requested to contact the IPO-HELPDESK at: Email: Telephone No(s): 011-25300304 and 011-28089556
Please note that the payment gateway is not available between 23:00 HOURS and 00:30 HOURS in the e-filing module due to bank reconciliation process.
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Page last updated on: 21/1/2016